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Six Essential Oils to Repel Pesky Mosquitoes

Essential oils go back centuries and they have dozens of uses. One of the most common uses in modern times is repelling mosquitoes. These flying pests can cause itchy bites and they can also transmit disease. When you are spending time outdoors, it is important to prevent bites as much as possible. Proper use of essential oils keep mosquitoes away so that you and your family can enjoy your time outdoors without being bothered.

There are several different essential oils that keep mosquitoes at bay. Keeping the mosquitoes away reduces the risk of mosquito-borne disease and it prevents those itchy bites that can make you uncomfortable throughout the summer.

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Using the Best Essential Oils to Stop Mosquitoes

Not all essential oils are created equal and you must choose the right ones and mix them properly. Never apply an essential oil directly to the skin. Use a carrier oil to dilute it to ensure safety. The best carrier oils for the mosquito-repelling essential oils include:

  • Olive oil
  • Witch hazel
  • Sunflower oil
  • Vodka

Follow the directions on the essential oil bottle to ensure proper dilution. All oils are different when it comes to how much dilution is necessary to ensure safety when applied to the skin. You can also use these oils in a warmer outdoors to further keep mosquitoes away, such as when you are having an outdoor party.

1. Lemon Eucalyptus Oil

Lemon eucalyptus oil is one of the most common essential oils for repelling mosquitoes and its use dates back to the 1940's. In fact, this essential oil has been approved as an effective mosquito repellent by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). A study published in the Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association showed that using a 32 percent lemon eucalyptus essential oil provides up to three hours of mosquito protection and stops approximately 95 percent of mosquitoes from biting.

Take 10 parts of a carrier oil, preferably witch hazel or sunflower oil, and mix it with one part of lemon eucalyptus essential oil. Just avoid using this essential oil on kids who are three years of age and younger.

2. Cinnamon Oil

Most people think of cinnamon as a great addition to toast, but cinnamon essential oil is something that mosquitoes hate. Another benefit of this oil is that it has the ability to kill mosquito eggs to reduce the number of mosquitoes that are in your outdoor space.

Create a spray that uses four ounces of water and 24 drops of this oil. Do not spray directly on your skin because even diluted, it can be irritating. Instead, spray it on upholstery or your clothing. Just let it dry before putting the clothing on. You can also spray it around plants and patio furniture to keep the mosquitoes away at night.

3. Lavender Oil

Lavender essential oil is very fragrant and mosquitoes do not like the smell so they will avoid it at all costs. Another benefit to keeping this oil around is that not only does it repel mosquitoes, but it can also soothe mosquito bites if they do occur. Just make sure to properly dilute it per the instructions on the bottle before you apply it to your skin to reduce the risk of irritation. After you make a diluted preparation, dab some of the oil onto ankles and wrists so that you smell like lavender to keep mosquitoes away.

In addition to using liberal amounts of this essential oil around your outdoor space, consider adding some lavender plants. The plants work almost as well as the oil to prevent mosquitoes from buzzing around.

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4. Thyme Oil

Thyme essential oil is most effective at repelling mosquitoes that are known to carry malaria. Research published in the Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association looked at how this essential oil works to protect hairless mice against mosquitoes and the conclusion is that it offers 91 percent protection.

Create a mixture of essential oils to keep mosquitoes away when you are outdoors. Mix a teaspoon of either jojoba oil or olive oil with four drops of thyme oil. You can also create a spray using two ounces of water and five drops of thyme oil. Simply multiply to create larger batches of each of these mixtures.

5. Soybean Oil

This is not an essential oil that many people talk about, but a two percent soybean oil can be a lifesaver against mosquitoes. In fact, there are some commercial mosquito repellent products that use this oil as a primary ingredient. Compared to products that use citronella as the primary ingredient, soybean oil products offer longer-lasting protection.

If you want to get some additional protection from soybean oil and make your essential oil mosquito repellent more fragrant, add some lemongrass oil. This is a mixture that works well to protect you against a number of mosquito species.

6. Greek Catnip Oil

This is an essential oil that comes from the mint family and it has a good reputation for repelling mosquitoes. The oil comes from leaves that are bruised and they can repel a number of different pests that can bother you when you are outside at night.

Research published in Parasitology Research looked at this essential oil and its ability to repel mosquitoes. The conclusion is that with a single application, you can expect to be protected from mosquitoes for approximately two to three hours. Another research study was conducted at Iowa State University. This study compared this essential oil to DEET. The conclusion was that compared to DEET, Greek catnip oil is approximately 10 times more effective at repelling mosquitoes.

You can use a variety of these essential oils when you are outdoors to prevent mosquitoes from buzzing around and biting you. Just make sure that you use each oil correctly to prevent issues like skin irritation. This means that you want to use the proper carrier oils to dilute the essential oils so that you can use them safely and effectively. 

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I must say I appreciate you very much for providing this information about essential oil‘s and how to prevent mosquito bites. I am a 60-year-old woman who had my spleen removed 20 years ago. I have not had a lot of trouble with mosquito bites here in the United States. However I am traveling in the early fall to the country of Nigeria in Africa. And I want to do my very best to prevent mosquito bites. More than anything because of the disease malaria. I have read that people without a spleen are more likely than the average person to not survive the disease malaria. That’s very depressing, but yet I still want to go and meet my friends their this August. If there are any updates on your advice on essential oils could you please send it to me at my email address. I would appreciate it so very very much. Thank you sincerely Tammie Clifford💞
Tammie Clifford

You recommend lemon eucalyptus oil but I don’t see this jn your store. Do you offer this oil?

Tania Cruz

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